Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Today I was reading the Crossroads daily and it discussed how many aspects of Christmas are an interruption to normal life, and how our lives are interrupted when we choose to follow Jesus. I got to thinking about Christmas (this time of year how could you not?) I love the decorations, the trees, the Christmas carols, cookies, get togethers with family and friends. Yes, it can be inconvenient. We have to re-arrange our schedules to make various parties, dinners, etc. We have to get gifts for everyone on our lists. We have to take the time to shop for the ingredients for the cookies and then bake them. The list of each person's Christmas traditions go on and on.

Yet, Christmas gives us a time to be doing things we should be doing all year. Look at the amount of time you spend with your family and friends over the holidays. Why not try to spend more time with them throughout the year, instead of just at this time? And look at the generosity of shopping for the perfect gift that will make a loved one's face light up when she opens it. Isn't there a lot most of us could do to be more generous throughout the year. And while we are on that subject - what about receiving? A lot of us struggle with receiving. It can be an insult to our pride or our independence or sense of fairness. If someone gives to us we feel we have to give something back to keep the balance even. Christmas is a great time for us to practice giving and receiving, but those are principles we need to keep in practice all year long.

And, as I am sitting here watching snow fall outside my window, I am reminded that God is with us every day, washing us white as snow through the sacrifice of his Son. We may be more aware and in tune with that during the Christmas season, but it is true all year long.

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