Monday, March 16, 2009

God Provides

Don't you love when God just provides??? I do. So many seemingly 'little things' happen in our lives every day that we take for granted, or get frustrated about, as the case may be, but we fail to recognize God's hand in our life. Case in point: Michael came home from a long weekend trip, back to a crazy day at work on Monday, and called me to ask if I would be upset if he missed our doctor's appointment on Thursday. (Side note: old Mandy would have immediately gotten upset and pouty with him, feeling unloved and rejected and put out that he wasn't going to come. Credit all my learning from Daughters of Sarah with helping me to be a more loving and respectful wife!) So, I took a deep breath and told him that no, I would not be upset. I would really like him to be there, but I understand if he has to work, that a client commitment has come up, I understand. He asked like 3 times if I was upset, and I told him no. A bit later I emailed him, telling him I would call the doctor and push back the appointment if he wanted me to, or go without him, whichever he preferred I was fine with. And his response - his meeting that morning got rescheduled and that is the only free time he has all week, so he will be at the appointment with me. I thanked God right then and there! I know a lot of people would call that coincidence, but I don't. I know that was my Father providing for me, and for our family, giving us that time to have that doctor visit together. I am so thankful for the ways He watches out for us every day!


  1. Mandy~ I love this! I don't think it was a coincidence. Rather, I see this as God honoring YOU for your obedience and faithfulness. He already knew your desires in your heart to have Michael there and wah lah...he got to be! By the way, how did your MD appt go? Did you get to hear that sweet little heartbeat again? Music to your ears, right?

  2. Yes! I love hearing the heartbeat. I could have sat there listening to it all day. :-)
